Spare a thought for Clifford Stoll, the American astronomer who wrote a column in 1995 titled, ‘The Internet? Bah!’. A derisive opinion piece about the role of computers and the internet: “Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices...
Artificial intelligence won’t destroy humanity, it could save us
7 years have already passed since the UN-GA established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Even before the pandemic, not a single country was on track to meet these goals by 2030 – ironically due to countries battling some of the challenges of climate change like food insecurity – the COVID-19 pandemic too. At this year’s World Economic Forum, the message was clear: “We must now work...
I spent the day in a decentralised metaverse
The LIFE Picture Collection is a photographic archive of 20th century moments. LIFE commissioned more than 10 million photographs between 1936 to 2000. I’m standing in a dedicated LIFE photography gallery surrounded by mankind’s achievements and moments. Except this gallery is only accessible in the metaverse. Specifically, Decentraland that is a “decentralized virtual world” that is built on the...