From a spotlight on a stage, to the glow of an Apple Mac, this is where a selection of Michael White’s appearances are listed. Each of the links will take your through to an external website. To discuss potential contributions or appearances, please get in touch.
Quoted in Communicate Magazine on the dangers of disinformation for companies
Provided thoughts in Rebecca Pardon’s article that evidences many issues companies have faced during 2023 from fake content.
Click here to read the article.
Featured in Dagens Opinion on disinformation in communications
A trip to Stockholm resulted in speaking with renowned industry journalist, Rolf van den Brink, about investing in digital intelligence capabilities to protect clients.
Click here to read the article.
Featured on Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Examine the data story of Ukraine, Russia and Corporate Responses research was based on an analysis of FTSE100 CEOs and their LinkedIn activity.
Click here to read the research.